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Registration Number: 2018/334973/21


Theo Engelbrecht grew up in Reitz where he also matriculated. He first completed his MCITP course after which he went into the IT field.  Whilst working he proceeded with his Bachelor of Commerce in Law (Bcom Law) degree  and worked as an intern at Richter vd Watt Attorneys in Frankfort. After completion of the Bcom Law degree, he commenced with the Bachelors of Laws degree (LLB) and whilst studying and after completion worked for the law firm Gvdm Attorneys where he also commenced his articles. He furthermore successfully completed the Law Society's Distance Learning Law School through Unisa. At Gvdm Attorneys he obtained experience in collections and civil procedures. He then joined Olivier & Ackerman Attorneys in Bethlehem were he worked as an attorney and obtained  extensive and wide variety of experience from criminal to family law matters, contracts to civil litigation. He in 2018 decided that it was time to open up his own firm and that is when this firm was born.


Theo Engelbrecht

Director - Bcom LLB (Unisa)


Theo Engelbrecht

Direkteur - Bcom LLB (Unisa)

Theo Engelbrecht het groot geword in Reitz, waar hy dan ook gematrikuleer het. Hy het eers sy MCITP kursus voltooi en in die IT veld gewerk. Terwyl hy gewerk het, het hy sy Bachelor of Commerce in Regte (Bcom Regte) graad voortgesit en voltooi, waarna hy as 'n intern by Richter vd Watt Prokureurs in Frankforte. Hy het daarna begin met sy Bachelor of Laws (LLB) graad en het aangesluit by die firma Gvdm Prokureurs in Nelspruit aangesluit en waar hy dan ook sy klerkskap gedoen het. By Gvdm Prokureurs het hy ondervinding gekry in onder andere siviele prosedures en litigasie en invorderings en het ook die voorreg gehad om 'n saak by die Konstitutionele hof by te woon. Hy het hierna by die firma Olivier & Ackerman in Bethlehem aangesluit en daar dan as prokureur gepraktiseer waar hy 'n wye verskeidenheid en omvattende ondervinding opgedoen het wat gewissel het van strafreg regdeur to familie reg en van kontrakte regdeur tot siviele litigasie. Hy het in 2018 besluit om self te gaan waarna hierdie firma geopen is.